Thursday, January 5, 2012

Don't Worry, Be Happy

Or so Bob Marley (via my iPod AND Pandora) keep telling me, I won't and I will.

I'm going to blog today (if the fact that you're reading this wasn't already an indicator). It will not be the piece of shit that yesterday's post was. I just wanted to remind you all, and confirm that I am in fact, still alive. Maybe a little more boring, but still alive.

So let's talk about New Years. I had big plans for New Years Eve. I was going to write this huge "letter to 2011". It was somewhat of a thank you, somewhat of a goodbye, somewhat of a FUCK YOU, letter. It never got written. I was writing it in my head on my way home from work on the 30th. That's where it stayed, in my noggin. Maybe by the end of this entry I will feel inspired and have the urge to reflect on the debacle that was my 25th year of life. Maybe I will write the entry as that 25th year ends and I go to celebrate my 25th birthday.

Speaking of 25th birthday celebrations. As of 10:33am, B and I are going to Jamaica to celebrate. The flight is booked, and I'm still trying to figure out where we will be staying, but there are always options, it's about appealing to my inner Jew and getting the cheapest accommodations that I can.

I remember back to the time when I cared how clean and glorious a hotel was. Now, I'm ok with staying in a cheap little shit hole that has a working bathroom and somewhere mostly clean for me to sleep, as long as the price is right.

My my, how times have changed.

In the name of change, I am on a diet. Mostly just trying not to eat more than about 300 calories before dinner so that I can actually eat a meal that I will enjoy without feeling completely guilty. Oh and Jillian Michaels is kicking my ass at night.

Two days in, so far, so good. By good, I mean, I'm hungry and my muscles hurt; and I have to pee every 20 minutes because of all the water I'm drinking to try and suppress the hunger. It's going to take a lot not to eat free lunch at work today. I could really go for a piece of lasagne, but tonight is my job's holiday party so I'm already going to "cheat" so fuck it. I can wait until next Thursday if I really want a piece of damn lasagne.

My stomach just gurgled. Bastard.

I lost my mojo. Sorry y'all. You'll have to wait to hear all about T's bday celebrations, my stomach virus, NYE and how I've lost my mind.

1 comment:

Monica said...

Yay for going to JA

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