Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wednesday Woes - Weather WTF!?

Wednesday Woes
Who doesn't enjoy complaining on a Wednesday? Wednesday is that day of the work week we're all just trying to get through. You're a day closer to the upcoming weekend, but last weekend is already two days behind you and you still have two more week days ahead. So go ahead, tell us what your "Woes" are this Wednesday so we can commiserate, and don't forget to linkup!

I actually don't have all that much to complain about today, which is a surprise. Pretty much the same old stuff.

1. The weather is goddamn bipolar. It was almost 90 degrees on Monday and almost 80 yesterday. Now it's barely 60. I know a lot of people whose health this is affecting, including mine.

2. My coworker still smells. At the end of the week I will probably bring it up to my boss in hopes that she can mention something, because it's not my responsibility.

3. I hate dealing with governmental grants. Actually, scratch that. I hate having to pick up grants in the middle of the application process because everyone has a different process. Now we're coming down to the deadline and I know that tomorrow may kill me.

4. Walking into work in the morning, I didn't even have 10 seconds to myself before I had to troubleshoot a damn computer problem. It's really irritating having to be the go-to person for every random issue. Someone else needs to step up and handle some of this bullshit, or they should really have fought harder to keep my former coworker.

5. I feel like I've had something in my eye for two days now. It's really becoming an irritant.

6. My cough is lingering.

7. The conference room needs to be split up, and my ass will not be the one doing it.

Eh- I'm done complaining. I just want the sun to come out.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Prosententially Famous

By the way, I posted some of my older writing over at Prosetentially Famous yesterday. Feel free to check it out.

I'll probably post again later.

My coworker decided not to shower again today.

The weather is beautiful.

I'm trying to maintain my great mood.

We shall see...

Monday, April 16, 2012

Monday morning flood

I'm not sure if you can tell, but that's a flood. Guess where it was. If you guessed the 68th Street - Hunter College stop on the 6 train, you would be correct.

Guess what stop I have to get off at for work? And guess yet again, whether or not the MTA decided to mention this flood situation to the lucky MTA patrons that would be exiting at Hunter College.

To say the least, my morning commute was kind of disgusting. I mean, everything was going just fine (my mother yelled at me for eating half of a piece of steak that apparently she planned to bring to work for lunch - tough luck...she knows how much I love red meat and that she would even consider cooking steak and not leaving me some, she deserves being assed out this morning. HARUMPH) in terms of how fast the trains came. I had a seat by Dekalb Avenue. I managed to pull my skirt down enough in the back that my asscheeks and most of my thighs were not touching the seat on the train...but then I got off at Hunter College and had to wade through 6 inches of water, in leather sandals.

I'm just happy that my sandals are semi-waterproof, and by the time I got down two blocks, my feet were dry...but when I think about what was in that water, or where it came from, I get pretty grossed out. I'm also sure that having wet feet outside, is not the best thing for someone with a cold.

That's right, I still have a cold. I'm still coughing; still sneezing; still fighting off an epic headache. I was miserable yesterday at my great aunt's 80th birthday party. My sickness contributed to my unwillingness to socialize with family I only see once a year and other people whom I have either never met, or rarely see. There's something to that though. I had a great bloody mary that took be forever to finish because I was sick, so I had no booze flowing through my veins...and the closest person to my age at the party (in either direction) was my first cousin once removed, a freshman in college. So, everyone took pity on me, and left me alone (pretty sure they just didn't want my germs).

Basically, I sat around looking like a zombie, praying for the time to come when we could go home. Also, my stomach was really unhappy. I'm pretty sure the raw clams I had for breakfast didn't help that whole situation, but they needed to be eaten.

B and I went to City Island with her boo on Saturday. I drove, and kind of drove like a maniac. The food was awesome. B and her boo came back to my house and we hung out, and another of my friends came over...let's call him "HSS" because I don't know what I've called him before. We played Kings with malt liquor and everyone was really unhappy with how their stomachs felt, so we went to sleep. HSS and I cuddled, which was actually really great.

Now we're back to Monday and I'm ready for the work day to be over because it's 85 degrees outside.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

It's OK - Allergies are now contagious

  • That my smelly coworker's "allergies" are obviously contagious and now I'm sporting a cold (or the plague)
  • That I thought I got a dollup of honey on my hand and licked it - turned out it was dish washing liquid
  • That I refuse to go to the bathroom 15 minutes before or after my new coworker because I almost threw up from the stench she left behind yesterday
  • That I got to see someone use the emergency call button on the subway for the first time in my life because the train stopped between two stations and she freaked out, threatening to jump off of the train because she's claustrophobic
  • That during those 10 minutes stuck between stations, I had cell phone reception so I was telling Mo and B all about it
  • That I've gotten to work a minimum of an hour late this whole week, and I'm perfectly fine with that
  • To have loaded about 130 quotes onto my phone from yesterday to use at BBM status pictures
  • To pray for B's boo to get his appeal in court today, even if I don't pray
  • To have a phlegmy cough now, and be really upset about it
  • That I haven't fought with my mother in weeks - in fact I can't remember the last time I fought with her
  • That my dad didn't do the one thing I ever ask of him on Tuesday, and I didn't flip out at him about it (although I still don't understand why he can't take the prius when it's available so I can use my car and not have to drive that thing)
  • To have spent over a week straight with my best friend and only have fought once
  • To desperately want to watch as much TV as I possibly can so my DVR doesn't get overloaded - but fall asleep halfway through almost every show instead
  • That yesterday morning I was completely healthy and now I can't stop coughing, sneezing, have a headache and my ear hurts
  • To be emailing my coworkers sitting next to me because "I need my mouth for breathing, because I can't use my nose due to stench."
  • To not be a nice person sometimes
  • To wish I had lemon to add to my tea with honey so my throat would stop hurting
  • That my great aunt's 80th birthday is on Sunday, and to be mostly excited about eating food there
  • To be looking forward to going to City Island either tomorrow or Saturday for some amazing seafood
  • To be sad that tomorrow is my coworker's last day
  • That Delta let me down again yesterday and I didn't get really upset about it
  • To not be ready to talk about my vacation yet because I don't feel inspired (also, I don't understand why I think about going to Jamaica so much when I'm never really upset to go home)
  • To start looking for a therapist because I've definitely pinpointed things I need to take care of
  • To be really excited for Mo's big move - and to go visit her in China of course
  • To now be a part of Prosetentially Famous and need to dig up some of my old writing so I can actually post it
  • To want to learn more about current events because I feel like I'm running out of things to talk about
  • To be getting ready for lunch in a half hour, even though I ate breakfast only an hour and a half ago
  • That I might go to Honey tonight even though I'm sick, just because one of my friends said she might want to - if it doesn't rain
What's OK with you today? I could keep going - but I'll save it all for another day

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wednesday Woes - The plague

Wednesday Woes
Who doesn't enjoy complaining on a Wednesday? Wednesday is that day of the work week we're all just trying to get through. You're a day closer to the upcoming weekend, but last weekend is already two days behind you and you still have two more week days ahead. So go ahead, tell us what your "Woes" are this Wednesday so we can commiserate, and don't forget to linkup! (I promise I'll make a button soon)

I think my new coworker has the plague. I swear she hasn't stopped coughing every 2 minutes for the last two weeks. I'm ready to offer her lozenges, tea with honey, a fucking tracheotomy to get her to stop coughing...but I don't want to get too close.

I am currently refusing to deal with the conference room, because I never agreed to take it over once my other coworker was fired. Let's see how long it takes for the room to be made up and the table to be set up for lunch.

Pandora is skipping. It keeps losing its connection and for whatever reason it'll stop about 40 seconds before the song is over and move on to the next one. It just skipped two of my favorite songs. Not happy.

Onion breath. I need to stop eating onions at work (in fact, my boss said this), because now I talk to too many people directly in the middle of my meals. I just like the flavor they bring to salads, but they've gotta go.

The internet connection at work is really lagging today. It worries me for what's to come in the next few weeks as everyone changes systems.

OK, back to this plague thing. Since I asked if she needed a cough drop and she refused it, I cannot stop coughing. Karma really hates me. And speaking of Karma, I swear I get hit worse than most people for things I MUST have done in the past. It's like I have a bullseye on my back and can always be found.

5 hours later, I STILL cannot stop coughing.

Tomorrow I'll post about my vacation. Jamaica was, how shall I say it....INTERESTING.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Recapitulation of recent revelry

Seeing as how I'm going out of town for the next week, I figured I would actually post so as to avoid the "bad blogger" syndrome. I can't say that I have much to talk about, but I'm sure I can come up with something.

Holy crap, I thought I had posted about my weekend. Guess not, maybe I do indeed have something to talk about.


I went to see my friend and her new baby. I didn't want to hold the baby. It was two days old, and I don't know if I've told you before, but I don't really enjoy holding children who cannot hold up their own head. I don't know why, but it's true. I had also been dealing with raw shrimp about 30 minutes before I went to go over to the house, and I don't care how much hand washing you do...raw shrimp hands are not something you should touch a newborn with. I was only there for about an hour before my friend got delirious after not having slept for 5 days, and I went home.

When I was there, I saw another of my old bowling teammates. Yeah, that's right, I used to bowl competitively. From ages 7-17, I was a competitive bowler. Eat that! Actually, when I was a Junior in high school, I played on a team with three other girls, all of which now have children and are/were married. I was the second bowler, and the cheerleader. Our team (the only all girl team) won the league that year. We kicked ass. I think my average was 187 that year. I could be found standing on the chairs at the bowling alley cheering for my teammates and trying to keep our third bowler (the new mom) from beating herself up too much when she didn't do well, and our anchor bowler (the divorcee - who was at new mom's house) from zoning out to the point where she would ignore what we were doing at the alley in order to pay attention to her flavor of the week.She's not the same person though - and she has an 8 month old.


Anyway, we made plans to go out the next night because her friend from Washington State was in town for the week and wanted to really experience going out in NY, and Divorcee JUST moved back to NYC a few weeks ago.

Around 10:30 I started to get ready. By get ready, I mean, I started drinking as I danced around and put my make up on. I spoke to B and we were going to go to Slate because her friend's friend was having a party there and why not. I also had the option of going to Sutra for my other friend's belated birthday celebration.

Divorcee and Washington State missed the 11:30pm ferry from Staten Island, and so they decided to drive to my house and then take the train with me into the city. I sat in my kitchen, still drinking, listening to the reggae channel, dancing, singing and waiting. We got ourselves together and took off to meet up with B and her friends.

As we crossed the bridge, B said that the cover for Slate was ridiculous, and they were only doing bottle service. Sutra had a $5...the decision had been made.

Sutra was PACKED. I have some pictures, but I haven't uploaded them yet, so you'll have to wait. I didn't blackout though. That's the really important part. Divorcee left super early because she just can't hang like she used to. WashState stayed with me and we shut down the club. She managed to get us a ride home, and it was amazing. As we were driving through Grand Army Plaza, we talked about standing up through the sunroof. She did it. I was in the back and pulled myself out of the window and sat on the edge - whilst the car was moving - and got AMAZING pictures of her. Very much like something you would see in a movie. It was a blast. Only downside was that there was a car full of guys that were driving next to us, and told WashState to show her boobs, which she wouldn't and when I said that, one of them yelled that I was too fat to be sitting on the window. Obviously not, homie. So biiiiite me!

Anyway, we got home. I left them sitting in the car and passed out. Apparently I made a long phone call to a 20 year old boy talking about dirty things in my sleep. So, maybe I didn't NOT blackout - but that's day 2 of keeping my blackouts to my house, which is a hell of an accomplishment.

I did NOTHING. When I say nothing, I mean nothing. B came over on Sunday night to commence packing. We did that for a few hours, and finally went to bed because packing is exhausting.

I went to work and the temp had started.

I can't say I like this woman. She is of the "older" variety, and not pleasant to look at/smell...Also, I'm incredibly bitter about what they're doing to my coworker and I just don't want this new lady here, which is why I'm really happy to be getting out of the office for the next 4 business days.

I spent a lot of time at work reading a book on my Kindle - thanks to Safari Cloud Reader. Winner!

I took care of some personal hygiene things after work in preparation for my trip. It cost me a fortune and wasn't really worth the inflated price, but it WAS convenient. When I got home, B was already at my house. We finished packing, went to get dinner and then she went to her friend's house. The whole time we were discussing this trip and the potential for a million types of disasters. We made a pact though, that if shit hits the fan, we are NOT involved...and let me tell you, this fan may be worse than the one that almost took off my finger in October.

I wanted to kill this man on the train because I've just about had it up to HERE with people who take one step onto a train and don't move in any further when there are clearly people trying to get on behind you. Why am I maneuvering around your selfish ass. Next time, I'm just shoving bitches.

There are a few things I have learned in the past few years since my surgery. By "things" i mean, "eating habits I should really cut out". I did not abide by these findings today.

1. Dairy vs. KG. I can do cheeses, but milk - never a good idea. Ice cream, especially when I've eaten before I have it - BIG mistake.

2. Fried foods = bad - don't handle those well thanks to my gallbladder-less-ness.

3. Drinking whilst eating - especially carbonated beverages (that I don't often drink anyway), big nono.

All three of these things will result in major discomfort and most likely, regurgitation.

Guess what I had for lunch? Fried soft shell crab, sushi, and green tea ice cream.

I guarantee is does not taste as delicious coming up as it does going down. My stomach is still being grumpy. In fact it is being very NOISY in protestation of my earlier behavior.

I hope that it gets it together, because I will be drinking today, and every day for the next 7 days.

Dear liver, 

Sorry in advance for partying. Happy Easter!

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