Thursday, April 12, 2012

It's OK - Allergies are now contagious

  • That my smelly coworker's "allergies" are obviously contagious and now I'm sporting a cold (or the plague)
  • That I thought I got a dollup of honey on my hand and licked it - turned out it was dish washing liquid
  • That I refuse to go to the bathroom 15 minutes before or after my new coworker because I almost threw up from the stench she left behind yesterday
  • That I got to see someone use the emergency call button on the subway for the first time in my life because the train stopped between two stations and she freaked out, threatening to jump off of the train because she's claustrophobic
  • That during those 10 minutes stuck between stations, I had cell phone reception so I was telling Mo and B all about it
  • That I've gotten to work a minimum of an hour late this whole week, and I'm perfectly fine with that
  • To have loaded about 130 quotes onto my phone from yesterday to use at BBM status pictures
  • To pray for B's boo to get his appeal in court today, even if I don't pray
  • To have a phlegmy cough now, and be really upset about it
  • That I haven't fought with my mother in weeks - in fact I can't remember the last time I fought with her
  • That my dad didn't do the one thing I ever ask of him on Tuesday, and I didn't flip out at him about it (although I still don't understand why he can't take the prius when it's available so I can use my car and not have to drive that thing)
  • To have spent over a week straight with my best friend and only have fought once
  • To desperately want to watch as much TV as I possibly can so my DVR doesn't get overloaded - but fall asleep halfway through almost every show instead
  • That yesterday morning I was completely healthy and now I can't stop coughing, sneezing, have a headache and my ear hurts
  • To be emailing my coworkers sitting next to me because "I need my mouth for breathing, because I can't use my nose due to stench."
  • To not be a nice person sometimes
  • To wish I had lemon to add to my tea with honey so my throat would stop hurting
  • That my great aunt's 80th birthday is on Sunday, and to be mostly excited about eating food there
  • To be looking forward to going to City Island either tomorrow or Saturday for some amazing seafood
  • To be sad that tomorrow is my coworker's last day
  • That Delta let me down again yesterday and I didn't get really upset about it
  • To not be ready to talk about my vacation yet because I don't feel inspired (also, I don't understand why I think about going to Jamaica so much when I'm never really upset to go home)
  • To start looking for a therapist because I've definitely pinpointed things I need to take care of
  • To be really excited for Mo's big move - and to go visit her in China of course
  • To now be a part of Prosetentially Famous and need to dig up some of my old writing so I can actually post it
  • To want to learn more about current events because I feel like I'm running out of things to talk about
  • To be getting ready for lunch in a half hour, even though I ate breakfast only an hour and a half ago
  • That I might go to Honey tonight even though I'm sick, just because one of my friends said she might want to - if it doesn't rain
What's OK with you today? I could keep going - but I'll save it all for another day


lil desiqua said...

Goodness your new coworker sounds horrible!! Maybe you should get some spray to make your breathing room more bearable!

Being sick sucks- have you tried Mucinex? That stuff really worked for me.

Have a great time at City Island (love that place!) and Honey! Hope you feel better soon!

KG said...

She doesn't smell THAT bad today, but I haven't been to the restroom after her we'll see what happens.

Dayquil is doing its job right now, but if it stops, mucinex might be on my shopping list!

City Island was great! THANKS!

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